Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hey Ya'll,
So I am going to be working with the school ministry with kids on Wednesday afternoon. I am very excited to be working with kids again!
God has given me an amazing peace about a job. I am really learning to live in the "kingdom". There should be no stress about a job, God has called me here and He owns all the money in the world. I will be taken care of. I've have two interviews with several more very good possibilities. I've just continued to pray patience and favor :).
So I keep getting these amazing prophecies about setting the captives free and being sent to very dark places. My thoughts are, "awesome, but I don't know how to deal with that level of spiritual warefare yet." So I went and talked to my supervisor. They've arranged for me to begin learning under the Transformation team. I will basically read books and just sit on and pray during inner healing or deliverance sessions as much as my schedule allows. Then they'll just train me through out the year and hopefully let me help at some point.
Sunday, I went to the youth leader meeting for the next year. Afterwords, I began speaking to the youth leaders and sharing my heart with them. They are already working with an intern who is the "youth intern" and teaching him all the ropes of what they do. They invited me to work along side them as much as possible and they will do the same for me.
I also find out about whether or not I am on the music team this morning. God has blessed me so much. Those three ministries were ones I had hoped to be trained in. He has lined up so that it looks like I will be able to be fully equiped in those areas!
Although, I still very much miss my friends and family, (especially Sebastian), God has began to give me some very good friends who are like-minded and who will keep me accountable. I believe I'm almost past the "awkward" stage of leaving home and becoming settled on my own. God is taking care of me and I am growing in Him. Someone prophecied over me that "this was my 'Esther' year of preparation. I will grow physically more beautiful and spiritually and emotionally develop and grow. God has set this year aside to prepare me and deepen my relationship with Him in a new way."' I am very excited at all God is doing and as I learn to live in the Kingdom realm. Thank you for your prayers, support and love!


  1. Hi Missy,
    Standing in agreement with you for your job. I know God will provide. So excited to hear what He is doing in your life. Let us know about the worship team. I know you would love that. Be blessed!! We love you and miss you.

  2. Hey that is so cool!!! Love ya!!
