Thursday, September 3, 2009

So... yesterday was a really good day but very long. God is going to have to teach me patience. Sitting for 8 hours listening to talking is awesome, yet I have a hard time sitting that long. So we started off with auditions for the worship track (team). It was really good. Pretty much we all sang one of three songs in different levels so they could see our voice range and test our harmony. They also tested out the musicians. It was a very laid back thing. They told us if we don't make it, its simply because God doesn't want us in this ministry at the time but something else. They are praying this week and we will have one more audition next Wednesday. After more prayer they will tell us who made the team and who didn't. I had a lot of fun.
Class went really well. It's pretty much just introductory stuff still. I'm really ready to get into actual teaching but it will come. Our book for the month is, "Supernatural ways of Royalty" by Kris Vallotton and Bill Johnson. I'm really enjoying class and starting to meet people and make friends.
Youth group went really well, too. I haven't met many of the youth kids but am getting acquainted with all the leaders who assist Chris and Amber the youth ministers.
So I'm really excited for Sebastian and Jake to come visit me Sat. Through Monday!!!! Oh, I'm also praying for a phone call from David's Bridal confirming my future job. I'm just declaring it out there right now!
That's it for now! TTYL


  1. that is really cool let me know how the book is!!
    Love ya

  2. So far it's been a must read! Although I'm only five to six chapters into it

  3. Hey Missy, I finally figured out how to get on this blog thing!!! Very cool! I pretty much new everything you had posted but it was fun to review. If I haven't told you lately I am so excited for you and this opportunity! A little envious perhaps but only in a good way ya know!!
    The parents ceiling is the kids floor they say, so go high sis!!! I am very proud of you! You have such an anointing of God on your life, He illuminates off of you! Illuminating is scriptural you know. Ester 8:16 says they had light, joy, gladness and honor. The word light in the Hebrew literally means to illuminate. How cool is that?? Anyways I love you and can't wait to hang with you next weekend! Mom
