Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hey Ya'll,
Sorry it's been a few days. God has really been stretching me. Sebastian, Jake and Lane came up to see me Saturday- Sunday which was amazing. However, Monday and Tuesday I suffered horrible homesickness. Partly because I spent Labor Day alone. God really showed me yesterday I have to get past the third week. He reminded me that when I was in China, I hated being there the third week, yet looking back God taught me so much during that homesickness time. Someone just reminded me today that God is taking this time to have me all to himself :). So I know all will be well.
This week we are studying Identity. It's been really good. Today was amazing. I only had five hours of sleep yet, God gave me the most joy and energy I've had since I've been here. Today we learned about the four ministries we will be working with every Wednesday afternoon. We put down our preferences and I will know which one exactly tomorrow. It was very encouraging and exciting!
God has really began to bless me with a group of friends. We often go take time just to have a little bit of fun!
So I heard back from David's Bridal and they hired someone more experienced. So I am eagerly job hunting again. However, God has given me abundant peace. I know He is my provider and isn't sitting up there ringing His hands because he doesn't know what I'm going to do. LOL! He has the perfect plan and I am to wait on Him because He is faithful. However, prayers on getting a job are still wanted :).
I'll close for now. I'll update soon on which ministry I'll be apart of and all that I'll be doing with it. TTY Soon :)


  1. Hey Missy! Praying you get a job soon!

    My sisters in OR did the same scramble for jobs, but God is good and took care of both of them. They both have jobs in a state that has the worsts unemployment rate in the country. I'm sure you'll get one soon!

  2. Hey Missy! I commented, but then I messed something up, so I'll comment again. If you get two comments saying the same thing, then you know why! lol

    I'm praying you get a job soon. My sisters did the same thing in OR. God is good and will provide, as He did with them. They both were able to get job's in a state with the highest unemployment rate in the country. I'm sure you'll get one soon!

  3. Hi Missy! I didn't know you went to China. Callie and I are both learning Chinese. We have so much exposure to Chinese people and love the way they are so hungry for God. Can't wait to hear what God reveals about your ministry. Also, will pray earnestly about a job. Have fun and joy and excitement about what you are getting to experience.
